NLSS Guidelines
July 16, 2024

North Lincoln Sanitary Service provides bulky item pickup, scrap metal pickup, and extra garbage pickup to all of our customers.
Bulky Item Pickup Guide:
1. Schedule by phone, email, or on our website on or before every Tuesday at 4:30pm.
2. Reach out by phone, email, or on our website for a quote for your items.
3. Put out items on Tuesday evening before the pickup day on Wednesday.
Scrap Metal Pickup Guide:
1. Schedule by phone, email, or on our website on or before every Thursday at 4:30pm.
2. Reach out by phone, email, or on our website for a quote for your items.
3. Put out items on Thursday evening before the pickup day on Friday.
Extra Garbage Guidelines:
1. Place extra garbage outside and next to your garbage roll cart the night before your pickup day.
2. No more than three 32-gallon garbage bags of extra garbage accepted. For example, two bags of garbage + one box of garbage is accepted.
3. See the Rates tab on our website for most recent pricing for extra garbage.
4. There is no need to call the office for extra garbage. You will be charged automatically.